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Sanda Beniamines

Sanda Beniamines

CEO, Founder & English Language Expert at CELA

Welcome to Creative English Language Academy, where your quest for language mastery becomes a passionate adventure guided by professors who understand your language journey intimately.

Let me introduce myself—I am a linguist, a devotee of languages and literature. I’ve journeyed through Russian, Swedish, Hebrew, Norwegian and even dabbled in German. Yet, English holds a special place in my heart among this linguistic mosaic. Alongside my love for teaching, I have a passion for theatre and the enchantment of piano melodies.

You, my student, are an integral part of my story. I fervently believe in the richness of learning and practising a new language—a treasure no one can ever take from you. I wholeheartedly endorse that mastering a new language opens wide doors to limitless opportunities!

Creative English Language Academy represents the culmination of a dream I’ve nurtured since my teenage years. Here, I don’t just pursue my vision; I’m on a mission to nurture your growth and transformation. My purpose is clear: to empower you to shine in your chosen field, help you surmount language barriers that may hinder your progress, and steer you towards the promotions and success you rightly deserve.

However, this journey isn’t solely about career advancement; it’s about being a role model for yourself, your colleagues, your children, and anyone who looks up to you. It’s about discovering happiness and fulfilment in a foreign land amidst strangers, far from the comforting embrace of your loved ones.

At CELA, we don’t just teach; we pilot, navigate, and inspire. It’s a place where my compass for guiding others aligns seamlessly with the academy’s vision, fostering an environment where personal growth is not just a goal but a way of life.

Join me on this extraordinary expedition where languages spring to life and the world transforms into your stage. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you who dares to dream, aspire to achieve more, become better, and embrace the beauty of language and culture.